#rob lucci awakened
njere · 3 months
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I feel like Kaku occasionally babysits Hattori while Lucci runs off to throw hands with his next target
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umbrace-rambles · 5 months
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It's sooo interesting to me how you can see the SECOND Lucci stops "being himself" and goes haywire by the blank eyes every single time. I wonder if it's him losing control, or letting go and telling the leopard to take the wheel lol. My man DOES go feral mode, which he has never done when in control before
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That is very much the leopard
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pippin-pippout · 4 days
Lucci, after goading Luffy into Gear 5: This is gonna be fun.
Lucci, immediately: *gets punched across the arena*
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flattery-suplex · 5 months
Okay it's official; the anime has turned Egghead S tier in my mind
Like I already liked it if only for all the lore drops, but I wasn't too sure about the fast pacing. It seemed to be losing some of the detail that makes One Piece so great for me. I know a lot of people don't like how long Oda can take to get his arcs moving but it leaves room for more depth and explanation and Egghead has seemed a bit too fast paced for me.
But damn if episode 1100 isn't peak One Piece. It's also doing a damn good job of reminding people just how strong Lucci is. Maybe people can finally shut up about the Zoro vs Lucci fight lol
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astharoshe · 2 years
my precious kitty...I love him, your honor
so proud of him ♡
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restingknight · 1 year
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Rob Lucci~ your government issued catgirl...y-yea...
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jaimebeetles · 5 months
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Rob Lucci and his Awakened Devil Fruit in ONE PIECE, Episode 1100: Unprecedented Power! Luffy vs Lucci! 
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yoshimickster · 1 year
Okay so when Rob Lucci is awakened-
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-he appears like his ultimate fursona and is a bad ass fighter...but when MinoTAURUS awakened-
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-he's...dopey as all hell...I'm sorry but given how badly he got owned, I REALLY doubt he and the other Jailer Beast's best furry selves were witless goons, something HAPPENED to them!
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beaulesbian · 6 months
[one piece 1111 spoilers]
some thoughts about Rob Lucci asking the Gorosei to spare Kaku
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I guessed that Lucci would care about Kaku and his Cipher pol crew to some extent, like when they were recuperating after fighting the seraphim alongside the Strawhats, ch. 1090:
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but then there was that scene in chapter 1107, when he was fighting Zoro, and kept talking about dead-weight to a crew, and "you're a pack of fools, unable to cut loose a single member for the good of the rest!!"
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which, at first, I thought it's something like his moral compass that he would follow as he's saying. that he wouldn't be waiting for anyone on his team in similar situation, maybe would even leavet them to fend for themselves, etc.
But the new chapter kind of changes that with how he's clearly showing he cares very much what would happen to Kaku. Even as much to beg the Gorosei - and might I add, he looked quite freaked out the first time seeing that form (that makes me curious about how much Lucci even knows about them and the work of this particular branch of the government.. it's so curious.)
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So this change in attitude was interesting to me, and then I was going through some other chapters and reread this panel of ch. 1069:
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-where Vegapunk and Strawhats are seeing Luffy in his Gear 5 fight Rob Lucci, and he's explaining how the awakened Zoan type fruit can "absorb and control the user's personality" - and that could explain this change of behaviour.
When Lucci shittalks Zoro, he's in his awakened form, fighting like that for however long or short amount of time (who knows how long, by now), and maybe he has a good control on his devil fruit, but maybe there's a boundary that he isn't even aware that the fruit's power could be controlling him instead. (Why else would we get this comment from Vegapunk. It could be used as cautionary knowledge for Luffy in future as well).
So once Lucci is out of that awakened status, he sees a giant bird Gorosei who's plan is to probably destroy anyone in its path, and Lucci still pleads for his friend's life (kinda reminds me of Zoro begging Kuma for sparing Luffy's life in Thriller Bark! in a way!).
I'm really happy that Oda gave Lucci this moment. It really showed more of his character and nuance, and I wonder where he will be moving towards in next chapters now that he sees who just arrived on Egghead (that strong haki he felt and commented on in chapter 1110 to Zoro, and now seeing it was at least one of the Gorosei) and now that he's out of his awakened devil fruit status, maybe he would be allowed to think clearer.
And at the same time - if this small theory about the devil fruit controlling the user would be confirmed exactly by Rob Lucci and depending how he acts and think of it later - we could see some really interesting changes in his character in regards to what sides would he be taking during the rest of this Incident on the Egghead Island, especially given that this seemed like some end of his orders from the Gorosei? "I have no further queries."
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There's still space for him to have some sort of redemption moment or even just a reflection about his actions, it could be all very interesting!
ch. 1107
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ch. 1111
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onepiece-lov · 4 months
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Rob Lucci OP05-093 by otton from Booster Pack -AWAKENING OF THE NEW ERA- [OP-05]
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mugiwarrrrra · 7 months
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*Accidentally reads 1109 spoilers*
Rumors that St. Saturn summons the rest of the Gorosei against Luffy. People are freaking out how Luffy can match against FIVE Gorosei, when they're forgetting he has his own:
The King of Hell
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Who will rush to his side(after THUMPING Rob Lucci), with the First Son of the Sea:
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The Black Leg is already there:
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The Soul King will be summoned (people seriously sleep on Brook, he hasn't Awakened yet)
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And of course, he has the one woman they fear the most, the Boss Bitch, the Queen of them all:
The Demon Child, Nico Robin 🫴🌸
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Yeah I think Luffy will be fine.
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*Plus also God Usopp has his Masters on side, Nami is borderline a goddess of the storms (with Zeus) and Franky is like a mechanic given the keys to a formula one garage while in Egghead.
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kurapika-r · 2 years
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Rob Lucci Awakened Form | One Piece Chapter 1069
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*runs into stage at full speed and almost overshoots the mic, skidding back to be able to grab it* but do we realize that Nika form isn't gear 5??? I mean, besides the fact that we know that the technical term is "awakening". All the previous gears aren't so much unlocked by Luffy (besides the fact that both gears 4 depend on him """unlocking""" haki) but something he develops through his own ingenuity? Gear 1 is him manipulating his muscles into pumping his blood faster and more strongly through his body, increasing his power — he's not just making himself hotter through force of will. Gear 2 isn't him increasing his body mass (as a paramecia, he wouldn't have been able to do it, although now we know he's a zoan type), it's him literally blowing air into his body to inflate it. Same thing goes for boundman, a form reinforced by haki mixed with rubber, which is so impressive when you think about it. Snakeman is such incredible control over his body that he can change the direction of his punches several times. I cannot overstate that these aren't forms in the way Chopper's Points are forms — not that he didn't achieve four to five extra forms through ingenuity, too, with his medical knowledge, but there's a difference between unlocking them (they always existed, he just needed to discover them) and developing them. Ultimately, the rumble balls don't elongate his horns or arms or make his hair grow, they allow Chopper to will them to do that, in the same way that, once Luffy awakens his fruit, he can tap into it, even if it takes some effort.
That's why we can't compare "gear 5" with the other gears when it comes to the damage they are/might be doing to Luffy's body (post-time skip, they have little to no effect one him, so he might have become strong enough to handle them... in the same way he's strong enough to rip the mast out of the ship and carry it up a whale). With all his other gears, Luffy's forcing his body to do unnatural things and putting it under enormous strain (isn't blowing air into your bloodstream supposed to give you a heart attack???). Meanwhile, we should look at g5 like we do Chopper's kaiju form, or Doflamingo turning buildings into strings, or Katakuri turning everything into mochi — extremely draining, especially at first, but in the same way a muscle will struggle with a certain weight at first but get better once you've trained it. When he says, "beat loudly, heart!" or "hit that beat!", it's not in response to it stopping, but to it beating normally instead of *battery solo*, aka it's his way of activating his Nika form. It didn't actually kill him, and if it did, it would have been from exhaustion, not from, say, wearing his veins thin and overtaxing his heart because he's trying to push gallons at the speed he's usually circulating liters.
And since I'm talking about his Nika form — it's interesting that while he's using it, he seems to be less affected by haki? Like, being hit with haki by Sanji and Katakuri in Whole Cake Island made him loose a tooth, both times, when we know his bones have to be rubber too or the rest of it wouldn't work. Still, when hit by haki, they react like they're normal. Meanwhile, while it's clear that it causes him pain, he still reacts as if he was rubber, his face molding itself to Kaido's club. I have no idea what that means, I'm just bringing it up.
Also, since I believe that Luffy's gears are not zoan type forms, that means that he was scammed out of either a form or two — compare to Chopper who has his original reindeer form, a middle point (his usual form) and a "full human" form, which he could always access, even without his rumble balls (can you imagine Chopper awakening his df and turning into like. a dude), or Rob Lucci who has a human form, a beast form, and a halfway point (I'm more willing to consider his slimmer, faster point as a form, unlike Luffy's gears, because, while he uses a technique called Life Return to achieve it, that's just another words for extreme control of his body, meaning he's still willing it to happen, like how Chopper needs rumble balls to control his additional forms at first, but eventually develops enough control to access them on his own. Luffy, outside of Nika form, can't will his fist into becoming bigger, he has to blow air into it). Luffy only has his usual rubber form and his awakened Nika form. Again, compare to Lucci, whose awakened form isn't actually a full leopard (that's his beast form) but a powered-up version of his halfway point, Nika isn't the "full" form of Luffy's df (and that awakened zoan types don't become a fuller version of their model in general, and that Chopper's awakening is more likely to be a powered up version of Brain Point). So there's a chance Luffy has a full-human form (no rubber) and a depowered Nika form (rubber, white haired, but without a lot of his abilities like flying and turning other stuff into rubber).
Also, why can he, as a zoan type, turn other things into rubber, when that's supposed to be a paramecia and probably logia type thing? I mean, not that we're ever told that, directly, but I don't see Rob Lucci turning people and stuff into leopards— *yelps* *exits left, pursued by Kuma*
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monkey-d-ezekiel · 1 year
One Piece - Chapter 1090 "Admiral Kizaru": Thoughts, Theories and Discussions
The cover of this chapter is very interesting! I don't particularly think much of East Blue villains other than Arlong, but Kuro was always an interesting one for me. His plan was the most befuddled mess I've ever seen, and his ending was... ambiguous? He was also one of the first villains with a leaning towards intelligence and his entire appearance screamed sophistication. So it's interesting to be reminded of this guy on the cover, even if his arc was a massive dud!
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As for the actual chapter, it starts off very typically, with Luffy telling the Gorosei that he'll be the King of the Pirates. I love that Luffy never changes. He's always the bull in a china shop, who Robin and Nami have to restrain.
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It's interesting how Big News Morgan, Wapol and Vivi are listening in on this conversation. I'm pretty sure that'll play a role further on in the story.
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I'm also interested in what Rob Lucci's motives are here, along with Kaku. He seems to be going along with the Straw Hats for now, but he IS informing the Gorosei of everything that's happening. I doubt he's going to defect, honestly. Neither will Kaku. Lucci's goals and values simply don't align with anything the Straw Hats stand for. Though he will have to take a decision, since the WG doesn't really seem to care much about sacrificing his life.
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Not to mention, this arc gives HEAVY Sabaody vibes. Admiral Kizaru, the Seraphim and the fast paced lore dumping all seem very much like they've taken their inspiration from the style of storytelling in Sabaody Archipelago. Also, i HATE York. Absolutely hate that bitch. Just thought I'd put that out there
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I'm pretty hype for Elbaf! I've been eager to see the Island of the Giants, since it's heavily hinted that it's an important place in the world of One Piece. We've been hearing about it since when, Little Garden? I'm also interested in seeing if Usopp gets a major upgrade in Elbaf, because his connection with the Giants has been established and shown a few times throughout the series.
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I gotta say, we're getting to know more about Kizaru chapter by chapter. It goes against his ideals to ignore a man who's sincerely doing his duty? I think Kizaru might be a more morally complex man than he lets on with his "high all the time" facade coupled with sarcasm. I'm interested in seeing how Sentomaru and the Pacifistas vs Kizaru unfolds
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Also, I really don't feel comfortable with the Hancock Seraphim. Like I know Oda cleared up the accusations, but still. It doesn't seem right and it feels more like it was a coverup for the sake of publicity rather than the actual intention, you know? So I can't help but be uncomfortable with the way people are behaving around S-Snake, as well as the way she behaves with Luffy. Also, could this Bubble that they've trapped the Seraphim in be the answer to DF users in some way? It seems intriguing, at the very least. I do hope all the other Seraphim have their personalities blossom as well. Can't wait for an awakened Doflamingo Seraphim 💀
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Last but not least, we get a Coup de Burst after so many years! I missed the Thousand Sunny specialty and I'm glad to see it return. It's so cute to see Franky explain to Vegapunk that the ship is powered by COLA of all things 😭😭
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Overall, a very good chapter, and it has some aspects that I can't discuss without making this too lengthy. So i'll do an in depth analysis of Kizaru in some time, but for now, I'm eager to see if the Straw Hats can escape Egghead Island! I love the idea of revisiting the Sabaody themes and story beats, and especially eager to see Kizaru vs Luffy. Do y'all think Kizaru can take the W against G5 Luffy? I wouldn't underestimate a Navy Admiral, but Luffy is a Yonko for a reason, after all. Who do y'all think has the edge? Will Kizaru perhaps defect just like Aokiji?
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moonpaw · 2 years
Got a question for you... You posted a picture of awakened rob Lucci,so I won't be spoiling that for you, but what are your thoughts on the jailer beasts now? They were supposedly awakened zona's, but rob Lucci 's an thousand leagues ahead of those mindless animals in appearance , strength and intelligence. pseudo /faux / false awakened forms versus a peak human going beyond his limits into Ascension/awakening? What are do you think of the differences between Lucci and them?(if Lucci had shown up and transformed into a leopard man that looked like a jailer beast complete with nose drip,I would have felt embarrassed for him)
oh this is easy! it was actually explained years ago that for the jailers, the fruit overtook their minds, so they kinda "lost" themselves to their own powers
which makes sense to me! if a zoan gets traits from an animal, i think giving them that extra sense of danger if you lose too much of yourself works out because it's you vs something that clearly has a will of its own
i think chopper is a good example of this pretimeskip, even if it's not an awakening he lost complete control of his state of mind with monster point and was turned into a mindless beast,even temporarily
Shaka even tries to mention it before vegapunk came bursting in and fawning over gear 5 lol
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i do wonder if awakened users still have a chance to get overwhelmed? is it possible for them to slip? i'd love to know if you can revert back to normal if you lose the transformation or if you're just kinda... stuck like that
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doublesama · 4 months
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Did Kaku really need to show us that he awakened his Devil Fruit in One Piece Episode 1104? I don't think it added anything to the story that Rob Lucci's awakening didn't already add.
READ: https://doublesama.com/one-piece-episode-1104/
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